What are we up to?

We operate in small, mono focus, projects*.

“Facebook” or “Pornhub” are two mono-focus projects for us. “European Election algorithm analysis” is another one.

All the volunteers contribute freely expecting acknowledgment for their effort and offering quality time. Generally, we team up with people and organization who understand and share the manifesto. Being proactive in developing an idea is extra appreciated, as per Autumn 2019, we run understaffed and underfunded. We don’t have solutions for these issues yet.

We are open to any proactive proposal from independent individuals. By proactive, we mean that we are looking for researchers, PhD students, journalist, programmers and professionals such as designers and web developers. In other words, we are looking for people that have already some form of expertise and self-management that are willing to contribute to our projects. If you fit, the best way is to reach out in our mattermost channel, or write an email at: support at tracking dot exposed

Unfortunately at the moment we cannot manage volunteers that cannot work independently, as we don’t have simple tasks to delegate. If you feel you can do anything meaningful in the projects listed below connect with us! Your help would be very appreciated.

* Each one has something different and your input might be more appropriate in their ‘contact page’: