Algorithmic bias on YouTube during Covid and the US election

Who am I? Claudio Agosti

1999 - 2011

Computer security, privacy activism.

2011 - 2016

NGOs, whistleblowing protection.


Founded Tracking Exposed, Research associate.

Special trivia

Engineered recipe for the fluffiest pancake

Tracking Exposed is a no-profit organization that produces free software

Currently supported by

In the past

Offering services of

  1. Third-party algorithm assessment
  2. Election monitoring
  3. Workshops and trainings on algorithm analysis

We investigate influential algorithms

Investigation — litigation — free Software — Training

youtube reported in media

We don’t know the half of it

The algorithms that impact our lives are opaque and unaccountable. Journalists can’t keep with - we need better tech to hold platforms to understand what’s happening, and to keep platforms accountable

First, we need to make algorithms transparent. How?

We have a number of methods to choose from — also known as methodologies

Recruit real people

  • 🚀"Data Donation".
  • 🚀People has consumers and human rights, and they can be represented in court.
  • 🚀Allow to focus less on algorithm and more on qualitative analysis.
  • 😿Expensive to get a representative sample.
  • 😿Suggested role separation between data processors.
  • 😿Difficult to draw comparison and think about algorithmic discrimination.

Script "personas"

  • 🚀Also known as Sock Puppet Audit.
  • 🚀Allow precise comparison.
  • 😿"Cold boot" problem.
  • 😿Bots have no rights.
  • 😿Bots might get banned.

Hybrid mode

  • 🚀Easy to be communicated and deployed.
  • 🚀Allows to freeze in time how a platform and an algorithm was behaving in a specific time.
  • 😿Can answer to a reduced set of research questions

How an analysis pipeline works for us

  • 1. Explore

    Find a narrative, a clue. Identify the problem you want to investigate.

    Result: research question

  • 2. Design

    Find the right methodology to collect all the evidences

    Goal: a roadmap

  • 3. Collect

    Evidences of algoritic discrimination (raw data, metadata, screenshots, ...)

    Produce: data, a lot of

  • 4. Report

    Depending if your goal is an academic paper, an awareness campaign, or a strategic litigation different criteria of accuracy should be me


Narrative example:
Climate Misinformation

* * *

AVAAZ report, 2019

"For the search term “global warming,” 16% of the top 100 related videos included under the up-next feature and suggestions bar had misinformation about climate change."
"YouTube is driving its users to climate misinformation and the world’s most trusted brands are paying for it."

Eni was fined for €5 millions because of "deceptive" claims that palm oil biodiesel is "green", misleading consumers in an advertisement campaign (Wall Street Journal)

Is Greenwashing targeting climate activists?

* * *

Research question
Let's compare the ads provided us while watching climate videos

Basic youtube analysis steps

Install the browser extension

for Firefox browser

for Chrome or Brave

Or, use our freshly released automation tool: Guardoni

An executable for Linux, Windows, MacOSX

It repeats video so you can train YT into believing something about you

And at the end record if and how that behavior is affecting your perception

From the extension you can download (CSV format) metadata about the video selected by youtube.

Scraping is a complex business — the supported pages

  • Homepage
    Has sections
    one kind of advertisment
  • Search results
    Has sections

    one kind of advertisment
  • Video page
    Has recommendations, 20 default, up to 120
    four kind of advertisment

All of these display personalization based on individual, collective, and geographical profiling


* * *

JSON|CSV simplified structure

Each entry represent a recommended video from Youtube.
A few are topic-related, a few personalized, and other a mix of the two.
            "savingTime": "2021-08-31T17:27:06.213Z",
            "watcher": "muffin-rhubarb-cheese",
            "blang": "en-US",
            "recommendedVideoId": "hFISmpbEg1g",
            "recommendedPubtime": "2018-08-31T17:50:59.000Z",
            "recommendedForYou": "YES",
            "recommendedTitle": "What A Difference A Day Made",
            "recommendedAuthor": "Jamie Cullum",
            "recommendedVerified": true,
            "recommendedViews": 3737849,
            "watchedId": "q-lPwo1GUKw",
            "watchedAuthor": "Jamie Cullum",
            "watchedTitle": "But For Now",
            "watchedViews": 3572985,
            "watchedId": "q-lPwo1GUKw",

How personalization looks like?

The students watch the same video, and record their personalization, so we compare how youtube has recommended videos to them.

you're watching a condition of reduced personalization.

Each black dot is a student.

Each violet bubble in the center represents one of the video suggested.

We tried to reduce these differences, to have something similar to a *non-personalized* algorithm stage.

Same room, same studends, same day, same computers, but logged browsers

It is visually clear how the data points linked to the profiles cause personalized suggestions.

🦠...and then COVID-19🦠

Can YouTube Quiet Its Conspiracy Theorists?
— via New York Times
2nd of March 2020

Youtube spokeperson Farshad Shadloo said

the company was continually improving the algorithm that generates the recommendations. “Over the past year alone, we’ve launched over 30 different changes to reduce recommendations of borderline content and harmful misinformation, including climate change misinformation and other types of conspiracy videos,” he said. “Thanks to this change, watchtime this type of content gets from recommendations has dropped by over 70 percent in the U.S.”

March 25th 2020 we openly asked to

Add the browser extension.

Go on, logged or not.

Watch five BBC videos about Covid-19 on Youtube.

In five different languages.

All togheter, compare the algorithm suggestion.

And learn how to wash hands.

What we observe:

  • Recommended videos: Where the personalization algorithm takes action
  • Participants comparison: Personalization can only be understood by comparing different users
  • Content moderation: What about disinformation? Is there a worst curation on non-english lenguages?


  • 01. Unique and secret token

    Every participant has a unique code attributed to download his/her evidences

  • 02. Your choice

    With the token, participants can manage the data provided: visualize, download or delete

  • 03. Not our customer

    We are not obsessed by you ;) We don't collect any data about your location, friends or similar

  • 04. we study youtube

    We collect evidence about the algorithm's suggestions, like recommended videos


* * *

A small summary of the most interesting results

Distribution of Recommendations

* * *

The vast majority of videos are recommended very few times (1-3 times)

  • 💡 Summing up, 57% of the recommended videos have been recommended only once (to a single partecipant).

  • 💡 Only around 17% of the videos have been recommended more than 5 times (out of 68 partecipants).

For example, the first bar represents the videos recommended once. They are more than 800.

Distribution of Recommendations

* * *

Analyzing the recommendations of each signle video, the disctibution doesn't change.

  • 💡 Here you can find the distribution graphs for each lenguage.

  • 💡 The only video suggested to all the participants is a live-streamed by BBC in Arabic. It appears as a recommendation watching the Arabic video.

For example, the first bar represents the videos recommended once. They are more than 200.

Users in a circle watching the same videos and get really differentiated suggestions (red nodes)

Recommendations Network

* * *

Here we can see the network of recommended videos generated by the Youtube algorithm, comparing the participants.

Same graph as the previous slide, with some nodes highlighted.

Recommendations Network

* * *

An example of video suggested just to english-browser participants

  • 💡 A basic example of how our personal information (as the language we speak) is used to personalize our experience

  • 💡 Here we have a pice of the filter bubble: the algorithm devides us from other users usign our personal information

The same graph as before, but the videos that Youtube says should be recommended are red.

Official API? No thanks!

* * *

A comparison between offical Youtube data (OfficialAPI) and our independently collected dataset

  • 💡 Youtube data are not a good starting point to analyze...the Youtube algorithm!

  • 💡 That's why passive scraping tools like are a good way to analyze the platform independently!


* * *

    💡 Filter bubbles do exist, we propose methods to measure them

    💡 Never trust official API for indipendent research

    💡 Content moderation is proprotionally effective as much as a country is worthy for Google market

(Research publication) (Call to action) (Analysis notes)


does Youtube personalize the search results?

Can we artificially put a profile under our control, into an echo chamber?

Does YouTube’s algorithm contribute to filter bubbles with their search results?

Which are the qualitative and quantitative differences among echo chambers?

💡 Few activities are enough to profile your search results

💡 Politically oriented videos are enough to personalize a profile

💡 The nature of the media seems to be an emergent pattern tight to political leaning.

(Read the analysis)

👋Thanks for listening!

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