Zuckless News feed has rolled out ahead of the 2019 European elections! Our goal and experiment is (in the long term) in build informed citizens. Simulating the source selection rather than delegate to an algorithm.
Facebook does not enable us to understand or control how our news feed content is selected, and has even been found to provide different users seeking the same information completely different lenses through which to perceive of the subject, as Eli Pariser discovered. The influence that Facebook’s algorithm exercises over our worldviews reinforces political polarisation and restricts users’ common access to a complete spectrum of knowledge.
To understand the complex, contemporary political debate, we need tools to help us pop our filter bubbles. Zuckless News feed allows us to analyse, experiment with, and educate ourselves about the information in each of our news feeds, in order to make more informed decisions based on a broader, collective perspective of facts and events.
Zuckless News feed is a disintermediated, machine-readable data feed. Queries retrieve posts from all contributors’ feeds collectively and present them transparently and chronologically, providing a logical, horizontal view of all of the information collected.
We hope that you will consider assisting in the development of this tool by donating your own public news feed content to this collaborative portal of information.
Zuckless News feed is designed to foster the spirit of the GDPR, empowering us to have more control over the sources that inform us and enabling us to escape the filter bubbles Facebook has designated for us.
fbTREX is not a SOCMINT tool. RSS queries are restricted to concepts represented by Wikipedia entries. This makes it useful for research and exploration into a broad range of subjects, while preventing potential abuse of personal data, you can know more on how does it work via Zuckless News details.