Algorithmic transparency: TikTok’s role in the war in Ukraine and French election

Who am I? Claudio Agosti

1999 - 2011

Computer security, privacy activism.

2011 - 2016

NGOs, whistleblowing protection.


Founded Tracking Exposed, Research associate.

Special trivia

Engineered recipe for the fluffiest pancake

Tracking Exposed is a no-profit organization that produces free software

Currently supported by

In the past

Offering services of

  1. Third-party algorithm assessment
  2. Election monitoring
  3. Workshops and trainings on algorithm analysis

We investigate influential algorithms

Investigation — litigation — free Software — Training

Why TikTok

tiktok intercept

Prominence of the algorithm

Legitimate suspicions

Huge popularity and contained threat perception

Lack of scrutiny

The first Non Silicon Valley

The intercept article.

The cleanest algorithm for social media addiction

bluemeth breaking bad

Weight more in app behavior rather than external inputs

Logaritmic speed in searching for your niche

The 15 seconds video part of the selection mechanism

Not that bound to the publication date

The complexity we've to manage behind the scene

Basic TikTok exploration steps

Install the browser extension

for Firefox browser

for Chrome or Brave

Every installed extension has a personal evidence log page

interface v0

💡 ForYou and Following feed

💡 Search Queries results


A public index on how Search gets answered by TikTok

interface v0

💡 Only the last 7 days considered in the index

💡 They should have been performed by at least two extensions

💡 They should have at least one video


Query list

Example #1 (Happyness)

Example #2 (Ukraine)

Hashtag based geographical blocking

October 2021

November 2021

Hashtag demotion by platform comparison

Ratio of 1 / 1000 on TikTok
Ratio of 1 / 20 on FB

Hashtag demotion by platform comparison

Ratio of 1 / 100 on Facebook
Ratio of 1 / 10000 on TikTok

Selective content amplification

How many actors might influence this?

February 2022 and the TikTok is not political

The apparently A—political TikTok nature




Current analysis capabilities

✅Blocked Hashtags

✅Demoted Hashtags

✅Inorganic Amplification

🚧“Following” VS “For You” feeds

🚧Content Takedowns (Makhno)

🚧Advanced Search result analysis

French Elections 2022 — still a work in progress

💡 French presidential candidates were not fairly [as respect to vote intentions / equal / ] represented in the search results of both YouTube and TikTok.

💡 TikTok, just as Youtube, is used for political discussion and to spread significant amount of candidates air time. These social media are not used just for dancing videos, they should be accountable for their societal impact.

Secondary findings

💡 Candidate popularity on TikTok is more volatile than on YouTube.

💡 The known social media algorithmic bias in favour of polarizing content favors candidates on the extreme.

💡 Candidate popularity on social media does not directly translate in vote intentions. Ex: Lassale or Zemmour VS Melanchon.

💡 Certain hashtags and politicians are used to prompt the algorithm to amplify the content even if they are not relevant for the video. (Algospeak)

👋Thanks for listening!

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